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Kill malicious processes while scanning?


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First I want to thank the Malwarebytes team for creating the best malware scanner ever, it has helped me now and then and I have recommended it many times.



But I registered to tell about this one time I was kinda let down. I accidently encountered a dodgy site, in IE, so started a quick scan with Malwarebytes.

Before the scan could complete though, the infamous "Your files have been encrypted" popup appeared. :( Luckily the damage was very limited, but had to work until 4 AM to repair everything.


I had no real-time protection at that specific time on that laptop, so I admit that was kinda stupid. Though if I may do a suggestion, please (try to) kill malicious processes while scanning, it was really frustrating to have the scan close to the finish but then getting this thing slapped onto your face.



Thanks in advance.

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  • Root Admin

Thank you for your input but actually killing processes without knowing for sure what it is can sometimes potentially booby trap and trigger destructive behavior from some malware.


If you're not certain the system is clean and protected from such an issue I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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An additional bit of info on this. A component of Malwarebytes Chameleon is a tool called mbam-killer.exe. Chameleon launches this process to terminate any threats from memory prior to launching the scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. You may use Chameleon any time you choose with or without Malwarebytes Anti-Malware installed. Additional details on Malwarebytes Chameleon may be found here, here and here.

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