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First of all, I think you mean ProgramData not Date.  If it really is ProgramDate then I'd start by moving over to https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=7 and posting there for actual Malware removal.


Secondly, let me ask you this:  Are you perchance using http://www.cloudfogger.com/en/ to encrypt items going into cloud-based apps like SkyDrive, DropBox, or Google Drive?  If so, then that is what created that folder.  And if you are not, are you using *ANY* app that provides this (or similar) functionality?  If you are running another app that provides


If not, then try running ADW as admin and see i it removes it.


Finally, if it really is Data and you don't know of any encryption software for cloud-based drives, then definitely head over to https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=7 and start a new topic there to get help with removal.

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1.  You are correct.  It does say Programdata and not Programdate.


2.  To my knowledge I am not using "Cloudfogger."  I do not know what that is.  To my knowledge I am not using any other similar product.  


3.  Per your suggestion I shall go to the forum you suggested to obtain assistance.


Thank you for your assistance.

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