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Just found a Keylooger that translates the language to Hebrew No Scans Detected it. Please help me get rid of it and find where the information is goi

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Hi Everyone,


A few months ago keys on my keyboard stopped working and randomly started typing qqqqqq until stopped. I've been using everything to try to find the malware/keylogger that was doing this.  No programs found it, and I couldn't find anything myself until today.


Finally a break.


So instead of deleating the program I to find where this is going, the keystrokes are translated to Israli/Hebrew so I'm hoping someone can help me with all of this.



I've disabled all premissions for the associated files, but it won't let me remove the Read & Execute and Read allows.


Thanks for any help with this.

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Hello mscole1031

There is not much we can do with this, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware detects many malicious key loggers. We do not detect legitimate, commercial key loggers used by families or employers.

"A few months ago keys on my keyboard stopped working and randomly started typing qqqqqq until stopped. I've been using everything to try to find the malware/keylogger that was doing this." - this was not caused by Malware or a keylogger

Why do you think it is from a keylogger?


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