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Full scan only scans user folders for active user?

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Hi all, been using MBAM scanner for years and MBAM Pro for a couple of years. I had a case yesterday where there was a corrupt user account on a PC, I suspected this was due to malicious files. I created a new user account to gain access t the machine, ran Rkill, then ran a full MBAM scan which found 21 odd files, mainly PUP.


I then repaired the corrupt user account in the registry and regained access to it, I ran CCleaner to clean the machine and then repaired the registry. Finally I ran another full scan using MBAM (logged in to the original user account which I had just repaired) but this time it found over 1000 PUP files. How were these not discovered on the previous scan?



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Hello and :welcome:

Can you please post the scan logs so that they can be reviewed?

Also Malwarebytes can not scan registry objects for all users it only scans the HKLM and HKCU (Current User) of the logged on user. So if you have multiple users its best to perform quick scans on each user account.

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