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Hello, this is my first post, sadly it is a seriously urgent situation


a couple of days back, i downloaded files to my computer that had installed a virus, but this is worse than I've seen, coming from the guy who had over 2000 viruses on his computer at a point in time


signs started appearing at the beginning when I was attempting to do a virus check, my Malwarebytes just.. vanished


I tried to re-install it, access was denied in programfiles(x86), and i was forced to change directory


Afterward i attempted a virus scan, after the first run and clicking quick scan Malwarebytes suddenly stopped working, and the problem persisted


i browsed the forum for a couple of days and found no solution, and now the computer says "cannot find mbam.exe, make sure you typed in the address correctly" even though i clicked on the direct exe file in the root folder.


and recently, only in safe mode, Malwarebytes got past the "program has stopped working" and then gave me "error code 13: mismatch"


I feel my computer situation grows worse, i lost ownership of some files and am unable to remove the virus.


any help will be greatly appreciated, especially considering my dire situation.


I am running Windows 7 Ultimate

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