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Hi everyone,


I have a question about the IP protection module. Say I visit a malicious site, MBAM gives me a notification that it blocked it (thanks, MBAM, you rock :) ). Does it block the website before it even reaches the website, or does it block after the website has begun to load? For example, the website blocker for my AV lets the website load, then checks it, and redirects to a block page if it is a known bad site or has a poor reputation. Is this what the IP protection does, or does it work below the process/browser level and block the process from ever communicating with the site at all?



Weyoun :)

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Well that all depends on the website and what is being blocked.

If the whole website is being blocked, then it is going to block the page before it even loads....

If it is only blocking an advertisement or something similar on the a page, then it will let the page load minus the blocked advertisement.

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