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I had some issues recently and ran ComboFix.  I was unable to uninstall the program so I was told to run OTC and then remove what remained manually.  I see posts that uninstalling ComboFix will delete this folder, but since that will not run, how else can I get rid of it?  The error I get is that BackEnv, the subfolder, directory is not empty.


Please advise.


Thanks in advance.


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Running tools such as combo fix should only be done by an experienced user or with assistance from an expert.

If you suspect you are infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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