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mbam-setup.exe crashes during install.

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Recently I began to worry that my computer might be infected with something mallicious. I then decided to go through numerous steps to clean out my computer. One of these steps was to download Malwarebytes. However, upon attempting to install, it won't open unless I right-click and run-as-admin. After selecting the path I wish to download it, the installer then immideately crashes leaving the screen looking like the attached picture. I'm not 100% sure what's causing. I've tried re-naming the exe, running it while running RKill, installing mbam-chameleon, and running it in compatability mode as well. I've also run DDS and included those files as well. I'm not extremely expierienced and I've exhausted all of the options I'm currently aware of. I would love some help pertaining to this possible!







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Hello and :welcome: , JJTho:


Sorry you are having trouble installing MBAM, and that you think you might be infected.

I understand from your post that you have already tried a number of fixes.


I would suggest that you please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into this issue.


EDIT: Forgot to mention -- since you already have DDS logs, please include them with your new post over in the malware removal section. ;)



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