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Hello everyone,


I keep getting an error message that Antimalware is blocking an IP address every time I start my computer. See logs below. It's always related to Process: ave.exe which is Kaspersky Internet Security. I couldn't find the answere and was wondering if anyone could help me configure  the software correctly, not sure if it's Antimalware or KIS that needs to be configured.


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Hello and :welcome: , andriy:
Kaspersky (and some other anti-virus programs) scans HTTP data streams.
IOW, Kaspersky filters the traffic in to and out from your computer.
So, even though it is actually your browser program that is generating the block, it appears to Windows that it is Kaspersky being blocked.

So the block shows up as a block of the Kaspersky process, not your browser.
This is explained in more detail here: Why is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware blocking my antivirus?
Having said that, the IPs in question in your log are in Romania and most are hosted by voxility.net.
They are associated with malicious content.

If you are seeing many such blocks, especially with no open browsers, it could be a sign of infection.
It might be a good idea to follow the advice  in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into the issue.




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