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Hello and :welcome: , crawleygirl:



Some of today's malware is very stubborn and hard to remove.

It sometimes requires the use of more than one tool.


I would suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.

The expert help is free - it will only cost a bit of your time.




PS BTW, the Free and PRO versions of MBAM use the same engines and databases to detect and remove infection.  The difference is that PRO provides real-time protection (and other features) -- this can help to prevent infection. Free is only an on-demand scanner that removes infections after they are on the system.  The particular detection you mentioned is actually a PUP, so it might have been installed by you unintentionally when you installed another program. ;)

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