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Got a process running wild on my computer, Malwarebytes can't seem to locate it during a scan, so I'm wondering what it is.

In searching the net, I can't find any info on it.

The process is called lailk.exe -- it keeps spawning other copies, chewing up all the memory.

Terminating the process will only work momentarily, it keeps coming back.

It also causes an application error -- the instruction at ....... referenced memory at .......   The memory could not be read

In the application data folder is a folder called Siufna and in there is an application called lailk    (IirDeremder Antbibus Scagner)

Can't delete the folder, when I try I get -- Cannot delete lailk.exe; Access is denied

So I have to assume this is a virus, how do I get rid of it?

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