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Welcome back. :)


On PC5, please follow the steps for Option 1 here: MBAM Clean Removal Process

It's important to have your license ID and key handy before you start -- in this case it would be the "E" ID & key.

And it's important to reboot when prompted after running the mbam-clean tool.

Use the "E" ID & key to activate the PRO version after the installation.


That should sort out the license problem for you.


Please let us know if that resolves your issue.



Thanks for your support,



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Well, that's a bummer. :(


Assuming you ran mbam-clean and REBOOTED as requested, the most common reason for "Invalid" key is a typo of some sort:

It says 'Invalid license information' when I try to activate the software.


Or you might still have the various licenses and various computers mixed up? (Just a thought.)


If you purchased online, you might need to contact the reseller, Cleverbridge, to have them help you sort out the various licenses:

How do I obtain my license key?


Please let us know how it goes,



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There is some problem about the license.


I tried another license and it works but this license didn't.


The error mesage translated to english is something like that:
"The information about the license you inserted is not valid."


The ID/Key is correct because i have a database with all the ID/keys and i have the original eMail from Cleverbridge with the ID/Key.

The email is form 18/08/2011.


What is wrong?





If you'd like i'll send you a MP with the ID and the Key.



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Sorry there is a problem still with the one license. :(


Until staff arrives....
>>>>Did you run the mbam-clean removal tool and reboot before trying to reinstall and reactivate MBAM, as advised >>HERE<<??

>>>>Are you sure you aren't trying to re-use a license that is already in place on another computer??


I'm afraid we can't help you directly here in the forum, as we do not have access to any license info (and I am just a forum volunteer). :(
If it was purchased through Cleverbridge, and if the suggestions in the 1st link below don't help, then the best next step will be to contact Cleverbridge directly to sort it out.
Their contact information is in the 2nd link below:

Assuming you ran mbam-clean and REBOOTED as requested, the most common reason for "Invalid" key is a typo of some sort:
It says 'Invalid license information' when I try to activate the software.

Or you might still have the various licenses and various computers mixed up? (Just a thought.)

If you purchased online, you might need to contact the reseller, Cleverbridge, to have them help you sort out the various licenses:
How do I obtain my license key?


Perhaps one of the staff will have some additional advice.


Thanks for your patience,



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