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Malwarebytes freezing, acting erratically. Is it compromised?

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I've been a huge fan of Malwarebytes for the past few years but my computer became badly infected earlier this month, and now (it appears as though) my Malwarebytes free edition has been compromised. I tried running a scan earlier today, and 233 infected items were found (yikes!). Afterward, I was "locked out" of any menu tabs which stopped responding to clicks. Recommendations for dealing with each infected item are also not visible, and I'm wary of just deleting all the infected files found. Was this feature removed in a recent edition, or is my version simply malfunctioning?


I'm under alot of pressure today and need to have my machine working by this evening, so I'm sorry that my first post here in the forums is abrupt, and probably unclear.


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Hi jhecker123,


Don't worry about your first post being unclear (you'll get a second chance). You made it quite clear that you think your computer is infected. (As I'm no expert I can't be certain) The default response here is to show you the following topic:Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

This topic outlines how to get help with an infected PC. If you want to go for free forum support you could also directly go to I'm infected - What do I do now? and follow the instructions. This support is done by trained people and may not be preformed on this part of the forum.


I hope this helped. If you have any questions, please post & ask.

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