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I have 2 questions regarding MBAM (pro); I'm using the free product on my Windows Home Server 2011 machine, and I'm considering upgrading to the paid product, but I don't see the answers I'm looking for (or perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places), so here are my questions:


1) Even though it isn't listed as a supported OS, can I use the paid product on Windows Home Server 2011?


2) Can the malicious website protection protect my whole home network if I set WHS2011 as the DNS server or a web proxy for my LAN?

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Hello and :welcome:

First off let me just say I am not on the Malwarebytes staff so take my info only as an experienced Malwarebytes user....

I am not sure on how the license would work as far as if you can use the consumer version on this type of Server, the folks at Malwarebytes would have to give you info on that.

1) I know its not listed, but I do know that there are folks out there that use it on file servers with no issues.

2) As for the malicious website protection protecting the whole network, that answer would be no. The website protection module will only protect the computer it is installed on.

Hope that answers your questions.....

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