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4 Users - 1 Scan?

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Hello trying50,


You are correct that doing a full scan will scan the other 3 users.  Please keep in mind that it means that mbam will scan all the local files that are saved for that user's profile.


In a Windows operating system, all the personal files that are saved for a user will usually end up in a directory like:






From here, a user will have their own separate files such as "My Pictures", "My Documents", and anything personally saved on their desktop.  Does this answer your question?   ^_^

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A Quick scan also checks key locations across all user profiles, not just the current user. The only limitation is that when scanning the registry, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware only checks the registry for the machine (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) and the currently user that the scan is running under (HKEY_CURRENT_USER). It does not scan the local registry hives for other user accounts.

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