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Downloaded the Free version a few weeks ago and my Free trial will be ending in two days.  (I told it not to install the free trial for Pro but it looks like it did anyway.)   


if I do get the paid version can I disable the real-time scanning if I need to for some reason, so it acts more like the Free version?   Is there something in the Settings of the program to temporarily disable the entire program without having to kill the task using something like ProcessExplorer?  I looked at the icon in the  systray area and there are no options there at all.  


Also, I clicked the Buy Now from the pop-up to get more info...like the price...and saw no price listed...so I just clicked "Later" to get me a couple of days to hopefully get the info here.  How much is the Pro version through the malwarebytes Buy option?


If I opt out of buying the Pro version does it revert to the standard Free, with those functions still active?  (On-demand scanning, not real-time?)



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Hello and :welcome:

Thanks for trying out Malwarebytes PRO....

To disable protection in the PRO version you can do that by simply right clicking on the tray icon and unchecking Filesystem Protection. You can also temporarily disable the Website Blocking Protection by following the same instructions.... Not sure why you would want to disable the protection though... its better to be proactive rather than having to clean the computer after it gets infected....

You can purchase the PRO version from HERE and currently the price is $24.95 for a life time license.

If you let the trial version expire, yes it will revert back to the free version.

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Hi vittoria,


If you look real close you find this for the basic plan "This is a subscription product with a fee of €26.95 per year. You may cancel your subscription at any time." (see attached picture). So I'd say it's a yearly subscription.


I hope this helped. If you have any questions, please post & ask.




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