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Is PassShow 1.150 some sort of malware?  It causes a blue circle with a key in it to be displayed in password fields in my browser (Firefox), and it shows up as a Firefox extension.  I disabled it and the blue circles went away.  I ran the trial version of Malwarebytes, and it found 20 items related to it, which I quarrantined. 


I'm afraid that it has hijacked my passwords. There is almost no information on the program on the internet (except that cnet will let you download it for free, which I didn't do).  Has anyone else run up against this?  Is it bad?


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Hello and :welcome:

Looks like PassShow is a small and easy to use application that allows you to retrieve your password from hidden text fields.

The program in itself may not be malware, but you may have downloaded some malware that was bundled with the install package for PassShow from CNet.

My advice is don't use it unless its coming from a reputable source....

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There is an AddLyrics adware variant that installs browser extensions by that name; which incidentally would appear to be confirmed by what you say MBAM quarantined. 


Variants are detected by MBAM as Pup.Optional.ShowPassword, PUP.Optional.ViewPassword and so on.


BTW, if that's the culprit, it's is just adware that will come bundled with various third party software or as part of an adware bundle, not a password stealer, so no worries there

I suggest you create a post in the Malware Removal forum, so that one of the analysts can take a closer look.

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