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safe backup before fixing or wiping infected laptop?


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Have been advised of serious infection by removal expert "maniac" (see removal help forum for logs etc) but need help in understanding how to safely copy esp my pix itunes and docs..have already inadvertently trashed onenote files. He really did not address backup for me so i thought better ask in general pc area.Winxp sp3 hp laptop. It has a recovery drive d and i think i made set of restore dvds.I have nearly 8 gig in itunes and do not have an external hd but will go get one if need be. I just dont want to be backing up bad files. I am using my phone n dataplan to type this. Dont know if first step is to repassword router. I have comp offline to organize files n figure out how many places ill have to change logins. May have access to newer hopefully clean win 7 but uses same router. I hope someone takes pity on this sixtysomething lady n explains this process a little. Willing to buy pro mb and online backup but dont want to use cc thru router. I feel im in a catch22. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Root Admin

Please have a look at this topic for software that can backup your data for you.


Backup Software


You should use an external USB drive and once your data is backed up and confirmed then disconnect it.   If you're then going to do a Factory Restore or Fdisk, Format, and Reinstall of Windows then make sure you do not reconnect that USB drive until your rebuilt computer has all it's security software reinstalled and up to date along with all Microsoft critical updates just in case the USB drive becomes infected during the backup process.


If you need further assistance please post back and ask.  I'm out of town myself so may not reply but there are some other good technical people here that can assist you.



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