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I downloaded Malwarebytes Chameleon.  When I attempt to open chameleon.chm, a browser screen opens, but it's blank.  I have attempted to open chameleon.chm with IE10, Firefox, and Chrome.  Same result every time.  I emailed Malwarebytes support about this, and the answer I got was, disable your AV software, then download Chameleon again.  Don't think I'll do that!!  Any ideas?

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Hello and :welcome:

Why are you trying to use Chameleon, are you showing signs of an infection?

Please run the following scanner and send back the logs.

Download DDS from one of the locations below and save to your Desktop



Temporarily disable any script blocker if your Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware has it.

How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-virus, Firewall And Anti-malware Programs

Once downloaded you can disconnect from the Internet and disable your Ant-Virus temporarily if needed.

Then double click dds.scr or dds.com to run the tool.

Click the Run button if prompted with an Open File - Security Warning dialog box.

A black DOS console should open and run for a moment.

  • When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:
  • DDS.txt
  • Attach.txt
  • Save both reports to your desktop
  • Please include the following logs in your next reply "as an attachment": DDS.txt and Attach.txt

    You can ignore the note about zipping the Attach.txt file

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The CHM file shouldn't open in your internet browser, it's supposed to open with hh.exe, the built in Windows CHM file viewer so it could just be a matter of file associations. When using Chameleon via the ZIP hosted on our website be sure to extract the contents of the ZIP to its own folder prior to attempting to run any of the files rather than trying to run them directly from the ZIP.

If the CHM file will not open or won't open properly, attempt instead to run the individual Chameleon executables located in the Chameleon folder one by one until you find one that works which will be indicated by a command prompt/DOS window opening and remaining visible indicating that it is Chameleon along with the Chameleon version number then follow the onscreen instructions to run it.

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