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Does Malwarebytes work on Server 2003?

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  • Root Admin

You need to have a business license to run MBAM on Server 2003.  In most cases it will run and work perfectly well but there are some system with certain hardware/software configurations where it will not run properly because it cannot bind to the network card properly.  


Most of the major players in antivirus will support Server 2003


Symantec, Trend, Kaspersky

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We already use AVG server but recently our server has slowed down and I believe it is because of malware.  


Is the business license you refer to the Malwarebytes Small Business edition?  Can we run MBAM on our server itself (instead of a workstation)? 

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  • Root Admin

Yes, it is the small business edition.


It is not officially supported on Server but it does run on Server for many of our customers including 2003 for many, but not all.   There is a 30 day full refund policy though if it turns out not to work on your system or you're not satisfied with it.

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old topic, but I didn't want to start a new thread for the same thing.


I tried Malwarebytes Enterprise on a Server 2003 install, running in a vm. We had a lot of slowness, and the SMB shares went kaput. Does this sound like a symptom of Malwarebytes and server 2003 not playing nice together?


2nd question: Have you heard of anti-exploit causing the same types of issues?


Thanks for your time and expertise.

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Only Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is approved for use on Server 2003.  When Pedro reads this, he will be able to tell you if there are any known oddities.  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is not approved for Server 2003, and is currently not approved for ANY server operating system.  Work is being done on modern server OS's, but not '03.

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Only Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is approved for use on Server 2003.  When Pedro reads this, he will be able to tell you if there are any known oddities.  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is not approved for Server 2003, and is currently not approved for ANY server operating system.  Work is being done on modern server OS's, but not '03.


Thanks for the reply, it's much appreciated. Can't wait for the official support of server OS's. Trying desperately to kick these 2003 boxes to the curb, but it's an uphill battle with some of the older stuff still needing to run. For the time-being, I'll run anti-exploit only and I'll report back any weirdness if I encounter it.

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Unless you are using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business version 1.75, you are trying to install a product that is designed for the CONSUMER market.  No consumer version is supported for operation on servers.  If you are using the version mentioned, it is specifically for clients, not servers.

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