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I had a malware byte issue, scorpion saver, that Kevin graciously help me to remove through the process delineated here:


He directed me to this sector of the forum for help with remaining issues.

If you could be so kind, please:

If I may ask, please: I have three external hard drives connected to a multi-plug USB plug-in, which plugs in via USB to a USBb part on my Dell notebook.

One of the external hard drives is a Seagate 4 TB which is ran new. I swapped it out recently three times to ensure that the hard drive itself is not the issue, and it is definitely not since I swapped it out three times, insofar as at least not being defective.

The issue is rebooting. When I reboot whether it is hitting the restart button, or, doing a total shutdown and start from scratch, the computer does not restart as it freezes at the Dell screen, when the new hard drive is plugged in.

The other external hard drives do not cause any rebooting issues. One of the other hard drives is also a Seagate 4 TB. I believe it is the exact external hard drive, just older, but I believe, but not certain, it is the exact model.

I know that the easiest answer is to just not have it plugged in. However, that does not solve the problem. I do wish to have the problem solved, and do not want to have the hassle of constantly plugging it in and unplugging it.

I am not computer savvy so in any nice help please speak as much as possible in simple as possible layperson speak so I can understand what you're saying, and am able to follow your directions.

Kevin already told me to change the boot order which I understand is the first step with this problem through other Google searches that I found as well. When I first did check it, I wish I could be more sure, but, I believe the boot order was out of order, however, I was able to successfully change the boot order and save it. It has been checked two dozen times or so since to make sure that it was safe correctly, and is much as I can possibly tell, it is correct now. The external hard drives are last in order of boot up.

Any ideas thoughts and concepts in such as to what could be causing this, and ways to fix it? There must be a tangible issue at hand, and some way or somehow to fix this problem.

I do not know what the proper protocol is in this form. I have other issues, so I will include them here. If you guys think I should start separate threads, just let me know, and I will.

Here all the other issues:

-Videos that play let's say for example on a news site which I believe go through Adobe flash player, though I'm not sure, you guys would know better, seem to "bogged down" and the voices not match the mouth moving, and becomes "weird." I have uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe flash player several times. I am getting a "weird" looking screen that I thought might be malware wherein a "funny" looking box appears in the middle of the screen while something is playing asking to allow or not allow Adobe. It did not look legitimate. I did nonetheless eventually click on allow and the videos did play; this happened after reinstalling Adobe flash player. Still not working correctly.

-I have RealPlayer installed. There is a "download this video" that pops up on the upper right-hand side of videos. I like this feature. I would like to work. I know there are other programs that do this. But, I don't see any reason why this feature should not be working. It did work for me in the past. It currently is not working. When I tried to use it every time it says "download incomplete."

-I tried to manually archive emails in my inbox, and sent box, and Microsoft Outlook. I get an error message when I tried to do this. Microsoft Outlook was very slow. Kevin directed me to archive older emails, and when I did, by setting the auto archive to archive older emails every three months, changed from one year, it made a huge difference. I do want to be able to manually archive, I want to know why I'm getting an error message.

-There might be a couple of other issues, that I cannot think of at the moment, but at least let's start here.

I genuinely appreciate the help.

Thank you

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PS: another issue I forgot to mention is that when I cut and paste text, a URL, etc., often I have to the process of cutting and pasting several times before the text, URL, whatever, "takes" I can finally pasted into a new location. It is very annoying, frustrating, and energy and time-consuming. Help with that would be appreciated as well please. Thank you

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