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My experience + FP.


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So this morning, I noticed an e-mail mentioning MBAM 2.0 was available for Honorary Members to test, hooray (I'm probably late, haven't checked my emails for quite some time). I downloaded and installed it and being the curious person I am, I noticed you guys switched from VB6 to C++ (MSVC++ runtime DLLs present). Hooray for non-outdated languages. :P


When the main GUI came up, I was shocked for a moment because I thought I'd accidentally installed a rogue AV somehow. I'm not sure why I thought this, maybe it was the huge Fix It button. Anyway, I ran a quick scan and it found 2 threats. 1 was a false positive and the other was actually malicious.




The one that was actually malicious, was a supposed "hack" for a game which in turn was a "keystealer" although MBAM incorrectly identified it as a "Trojan.Downloader" despite it only sending a hex string from the registry to a website.


The other file was a trainer for a game which read/wrote memory from/into a foreign process. MBAM flagged it as "Spyware.Password" even though there are no internet related operations used throughout the whole program or anything to suggest that passwords were being stolen/monitored. Perhaps it was the fact that it was obfuscated using Confuser. After I deobfuscated it (using a tool I wrote) and rescanned the file, it came up clean. :huh:


To devs/security experts: These are all .NET files so check yourself using .NET disassemblers. I've attached the 2 samples to this post along with the deobfuscated version. (password: evil)


Now you're probably wondering why I downloaded the files in the first place. Well let's just say I was working on an automated tool to detect suspicious programs inside archives. ;) Reverse engineering and programming just happen to be one of my hobbies.


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