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I downloaded the Pro last night and have run it several times and each time, it keeps finding problems on my computer.  I have deleted each time and even deleted from the Quarantined section.


I noticed that the Protection Disabled warning is present but cannot enable it.  None of the boxes on the Protection Tab are highlighted so I cannot chose any of the options.


Can you tell me what I can do to Enable? 


My computer is being taken over by PopUp windows and Tabs are constantly being opened in Firefox as I'm browsing.




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Hello and :welcome: , gigi0526:


It could be the infection blocking the protection module from running.


As you think you might be infected, I would suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.

He or she will also be able to assist you with getting MBAM up and running.



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I see that you are having trouble running DDS and that you have started another topic here in the General support forum >>HERE<<?


If you cannot run DDS, then please just start a new post in the malware removal section >>HERE<<, explaining the situation as best you can (some basic system info such as the version of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 8.1) would help for starters).


If you want, you can include in the post both of the links pointing back to your topics here:


The malware experts will have some other tools to use to help you.


Thanks for your patience and understanding,



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