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XP/W2K3 future support ?

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 I noticed your options for emailing questions no longer has the option of WinXP. Guessing this support will end with the MB 2.0!?!?


 W2K3 and WinXP, will they still be supported? Will you continue to support the older versions with daily updates and such? I realize the base program wont change, but regular updates will allow the SAME protection we have now, to continue.

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This was discussed earlier this week, and support they mentioned that support for Windows XP will continue for some time. Although due to the limitations of the operating system (XP) some of the features of the new versions may not work on XP.

Hope that answers your question.....

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It does, thanks!


Can you point to thread, that will discuss what options wont work in old OS?


I also ask about W2K3, as I love this OS, set up as a work station, essentially, its XP with out the EXSPERIENCE! Current version do install correctly and work properly. Hoping newer versions will do so too!

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Here is more info on this topic.... (Thanks to daledoc1 for helping me locate the topic)


Quote from Marcin on Wilders.

"Because of Microsoft's end-of-life of XP, we are going to be needed more than ever. We will continue XP support for quite some time."

I've also heard that we will continue to support XP as long as we can.

Thank you


MBAM 1.75 supports XP (obviously :P) and 2.0 which is currently in testing also supports XP. Our other tools and products like MBAR, MBAE etc. also support XP and we have no plans on changing that. We know that a lot of people will continue to use XP for some time so we'll continue to offer products and tools to help secure those systems for as long as we can.

That doesn't mean there won't be bumps in the road though. For example, there are things we're able to do on newer Windows versions that just aren't possible on XP because the APIs do not exist, so even though we'll still function on XP and support it, XP may not always have all of the same features and enhancements that benefit newer operating systems. This is already evident in the way that website blocking in MBAM 1.75 functions on XP vs Vista/7/8/8.1 where it is unable to show the port and process initiating a connection to a blocked IP address.

edit: By the way, we didn't drop support for Windows 2000 until it was already several years past its 'official' Microsoft end of life date. We didn't drop it the second that MS did so that's no indicator at all of when we will drop support for an OS. It's all about numbers. When we dropped support for 2K it was because we saw based on our own installation statistics that less than half of a percent of users were running our software (even the Free version) on Windows 2000.

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Thanks for the info, good to hear it.


The reason why I asked this question, was I went on their site, to ask a question, and there was no option to select XP any more. Made me thing, they were gearing up for end of life on XP, and that maybe the 2.0 didnt support it.


I have asked to become a beta tester on this new version ... should a moderator want to add me.

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Your quite welcome...

Its good to know that they will still support it here at Malwarebytes at least for quite some time....

As for becoming a beta tester, I am not sure what criteria they used to pick the testers, but perhaps you can send a PM (private message) to one of the MODS or ADMINS and ask them....

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