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hi, I just uninstalled the program through the uninstaller feature and when I did a reboot I got the error message cannot find C:\Program please make sure the file name you typed and the path specified is correct. I am wondering was there a reason for this error? and has anyone else encountered it as well as what does it mean.

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Guest claudiubotezatu
hi, I just uninstalled the program through the uninstaller feature and when I did a reboot I got the error message cannot find C:\Program please make sure the file name you typed and the path specified is correct. I am wondering was there a reason for this error? and has anyone else encountered it as well as what does it mean.


the same here,but after second reboot no error anymore. by aware that if you used Uninstaller provided still you will have some registry keys left behind.

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almost every program thats installed, will have something leftover in the registry! Unless you know how do remove it manually? Play it safe & I would advise on a program called CCleaner, thats free... http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ (includes Registry scanner and cleaner to remove unused and old entries.)

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  • Root Admin

I would recommend NOT using any Regsitry Cleaner. They can easily cause more problems than they supposedly fix.

There are rare occasions where they can be of value, but only to someone with a lot of experience and understanding of whats going on in the Registry and the recommended changes the cleaner wants to do.

Please follow the instructions here if you're having issues Protection Module Errors

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Guest claudiubotezatu
so what are you trying to remove? and from where? or is this about an error?


Is not an error is purposly done.

If you remove MBAM traditionally (by Uninstall feature) some keys are left behind; when you try to reinstall MBAM , in CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES installation /activation will not be possible because of those keys left behind,

In order to be able to install/activate again MBAM you need to remove ALL registry keys .



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