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laptop wont work after using Malware

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hello....  im not sure if im in the right area but i installed and used Malwarebytes for the first time a month ago as it was suggested. Malwarebytes said i had close to 400 virus or problem so i checked all the red boxes to delete. after computer restarted my mouse pad and keyboard wasnt working anymore. so i took out the battery and tried to restart the computer but it doesnt go past my the Acer logo screen. it says press f2 for setup, so i bought a usb keyboard, plugged it into my laptop and pressed f2. all it says is PLEASE WAIT and it has been like this day after day as i been reseaching how fix it day after day. i see many solutions on the web but i dont know what i should do!!! This is my first time using Malwarebytes and now my laptop is useless! any help and the right help would be nice

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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:


Well there is absolutely nothing any program can do to prevent the keyboard from working when the computer starts.  Even if we formatted the drive you could still use the keyboard during startup.  Now it is possible that a driver could be damaged or removed or a registry entry modified that can break the mouse and keyboard inside Windows but that does not affect the computer at the startup screen for items like Menu, BIOS, etc.


If the computer cannot get past that or into a BIOS screen then something else possibly hardware related is going on.


What it the make and model of the computer?

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  • Root Admin

this is my first time using Malwarebyte... all i did was checked close to 400 red boxes and delete which i probaly shouldnt have but as i said i have no clue using Malwarebytes and only did what was suggested. thanks in advance


As I said this is just a coincidence as our program or your antivirus or any program could have removed thousands and thousands of files and it will not stop the keyboard from working during startup for items like F2 - now it may not go into the BIOS/UEFI screen but the keyboard will still work.  Windows is simply an operating system that runs on top of hardware and cannot affect the hardware period regardless of the software used.


Is this running Windows 7 or Windows 8 ?


From the user manual it says the following.




During startup when the Acer logo shows, press the F2 key to enter BIOS

Setup, where you can set system parameters.



If you press the F2 key and it cannot or does not go into the BIOS screen then something is wrong with the hardware and you'll need to contact Acer for support or possible warranty replacement if it's still under warranty.   This is not a software issue or an infection issue as you should be able to reach the BIOS screen.


Try removing all power and battery from the unit for 10 minutes.  Then plug in the power but do not put the battery back in.  Disconnect all other devices and external mouse and keyboard and power it up and see if you can press the F2 on the built-in keyboard and get into the BIOS or not.   If not then again, you'll need to contact Acer for support.

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but that PLEASE WAIT...  is an issue.  Even if the hard drive was bad it should still go into the BIOS where you can see all the hardware and make setting changes.


At this point I would recommend that you contact Acer support and see if they can assist you or see if the unit is still under any warranty.

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