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Scanning for versions

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When you scan the network to see what needs to be done (database update, client upgrade) the console reports 



Computer Name Domain/Workgroup IP Address Execution Result Client Version Last Detection Time xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Client software installed on the remote machine was an older version, you can perform an upgrade installation. 1/3/2014 2:02:05 PM



Pretty sure I pushed out an update yesterday I guess database update doesnt update the client version..? WMIC reports this


Malwarebytes' Managed Client,Malwarebytes' Managed Client,http://www.malwarebytes.org/,,{189AF50C-A063-4F53-A66F-2535DA1A7560},20130917,,C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Managed Client,C:\scclientinstall_a1d79582_cb33_4bbd_92d0_2201186d8df7\,5,1033,C:\Windows\Installer\4a15c22f.msi,Malwarebytes' Managed Client,C:\Windows\Installer\4a15c22f.msi,{E79FFE13-715C-45B3-A12A-55E9FCF086A9},ClientSetup.msi,,,,,,,,Malwarebytes Corporation,1.2.1517,2
There are so many computers that need a client update how can I do say an offline install rather than a push so I am not bottle-necking the network
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Hi greyclear!


You are correct that the database updates are independent of the client version.


The latest version of the client should be


If you do not wish to push out the updates, you can create an installation package and deploy manually it at your leisure.  To do so:


1) Click on the Policy Pane
2) Choose a policy
3) Click on "Installation Package."
4) Choose a directory, usually desktop unless you want to make a specific folder for your installation packages.
5) Choose a Client Group, if any have been created.
6) Choose whether or not you want Start Menu or desktop icons.
7) Choose whether you want an EXE file or MSI file.
8) Click Export.
This will generate a file at the desired directory.  You can then take this file to individual computers or deploy it however you wish.
Please let me know if this helps, or if you need any additional details.
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