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I am on a mac- not windows and I still want to keep my system protected against malware, trojans, etc.


I used to own a windows machine and Malwarebytes was the first thing I instaled.

Will there ever be a Malware bytes for mac?

If Anyone would help me build/code one, please PM me.

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  • 3 months later...

This would be nice.  Not that a Mac has that much to worry about in my book, but just knowing that there is something there protecting the user.  Mostly while using the Internet or any online activity.  I believe in Malwarebytes as I own four licenses and never had a problem with any viruses/malware as I also run it alongside Microsoft Essentials. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use both Windows and MacOS.  I install malwarebytes(MWB) on all pc's I install (IT tech).  The reason I love MWB is that it blocks intrusions that other firewall can't seem to detect.  It also does a wonderful job at blocking dangerous ads, links, pictures and sites.  These are the reason why I would love MWB on OSX as well.  


Please make it for the OSX platform, thank you.

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This would be nice.  Not that a Mac has that much to worry about in my book, but just knowing that there is something there protecting the user.  Mostly while using the Internet or any online activity.  I believe in Malwarebytes as I own four licenses and never had a problem with any viruses/malware as I also run it alongside Microsoft Essentials. 

I wouldn't trust MS Essentials much.  It's one of the weakest Anti-virus programs out there.  If you want a free and effective anti-virus, look into either Avira, AVG or even Avast (oh, look!  AAA)

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