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I believe that my Android phone was recently hacked and turning on airplane mode seemed to stop the attack. It took many tries as the remote access kept attempting to cancel airplane mode. I would like to scan it with the desktop version of MBAM as I do not want to reenable internet access to my phone in order to download the mobile application. If all else fails, I will factory reset and hopefully that will fix it.


I cannot scan my S4 however, since it does not show up as a single drive, but instead as a mobile device. I am currently using the command line with the commands "mbam.exe /full", but I do not know how to specify a drive path (if possible).

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Hello and :welcome: , Blaise170:



Just to clarify: are you trying to scan an Android smartphone with the regular MBAM (which is for Windows platforms, only)?


Reason for asking is that you posted here in the MBAM section of the forum, which is for MBAM. ;)


MBAM-Mobile is a different product, for the Android OS.

And the MBAM-Mobile section of the forum is >>HERE<<. :)


>>If you're using the right product on your Android phone, then we'll need to wait for the staff/experts to weigh in, as I'm not personally using MBAM-Mobile yet.

(The mod team may also move this post to the other forum section, for prompt support by the MBAM-Mobile team.)





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Hello and :welcome: , Blaise170:



Just to clarify: are you trying to scan an Android smartphone with the regular MBAM (which is for Windows platforms, only)?


Reason for asking is that you posted here in the MBAM section of the forum, which is for MBAM. ;)


MBAM-Mobile is a different product, for the Android OS.

And the MBAM-Mobile section of the forum is >>HERE<<. :)


>>If you're using the right product on your Android phone, then we'll need to wait for the staff/experts to weigh in, as I'm not personally using MBAM-Mobile yet.

(The mod team may also move this post to the other forum section, for prompt support by the MBAM-Mobile team.)






I'm trying to use the Windows version since I do not want to reactivate my data connection to download the mobile version.

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