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Look, I'm not pretending i dont know why, I've got a TB hard drive, it has 522 GB left


But the scans take absolute ages to complete nowadays, and i'm wondering if i can cut security scans down any (Resorted to only scanning monthly, aside from quick/flash scans, gotta leave my machine on +8 hours)


Most of it is games, Which seem to take forever to scan, So does anyone have ideas or will i just have to deal with the 24 hour scan




TIA for help,



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  • Root Admin

You really don't need to run Full Scans with MBAM.  A Quick Scan already scans all known launch points and methods so running a Full Scan only scans for unused dormant files - ie a flat file scan.  Running them over and over really isn't needed but if you want to then your antivirus is actually better at flat file scanning.  We target zero day threats better than typical antivirus does.


You can also turn off archive scanning on a full scan to reduce the time it takes.

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You really don't need to run Full Scans with MBAM.  A Quick Scan already scans all known launch points and methods so running a Full Scan only scans for unused dormant files - ie a flat file scan.  Running them over and over really isn't needed but if you want to then your antivirus is actually better at flat file scanning.  We target zero day threats better than typical antivirus does.


You can also turn off archive scanning on a full scan to reduce the time it takes.


I've found nasty things hide in archives, So i'll not do that, Thanks though,  I'll stick to quick scans.

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