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How do I transfer a licensed MAM pro from a dead computer to a new computer?

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How do I transfer a licensed MAM pro from a dead computer to a new computer? I have read this post on how to transfer a licensed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO to a new computer. However, my licensed computer is dead, and it's no longer bootable, so there is no way I can do what that post says. Any solution for that? thanks.

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Hello and :welcome: . kayliu:


Well, if you can't boot the old computer in order to uninstall MBAM using the removal tool to remove the license data, the best bet will be to contact the support team to have them assist you with this: Contact Consumer Support.


You'll need your license ID & key and purchase info when you contact support.

That would have been sent to you in an email from the reseller, Cleverbridge, at the time of your online purchase.

If you don't have that information, then the first step will be to contact them to obtain it.

They can be reached here: Why is my payment processed by Cleverbridge?


If you purchased MBAM on a boxed CD, the license ID & key will be somewhere in the box (CD sleeve, a card, etc).


Hope this helps,



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