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Deep scan speed

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I am running a deep scan right now. In the past, when I did that, it completed in well under 2 hours. Now it seems to be quite slow, having run almost 3 hours. I have a 1 terabyte drive with 417 gigabytes of data NTFS.


What can forum attendees say about this. Do you think I have need to be concerned? How long should I wait before I throw in the towel? VIPRE takes 3 or 4 hours to scan this, and SuperAntiSpyware Pro does it in under an hour. I know MWB is slower than SAP, but it always has been faster than VIPRE.





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The latest version of the program now scans archive files which were previously not scanned. This can greatly increase the time required to complete a full scan.

Is it possible to turn off this new feature?

(I'm presently running the 2.0 alpha, in which we can turn off archive scanning, but I can't check if that was the case with 1.75)

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If these are 2.0 related posts they should probably go i the 2.0 forum.


Thanks, @shadowwar.


I might very well have misunderstood, but I think that @Francois_Blais (and the OP) were both referring to 1.75, the current release version??


Is it possible to turn off this new feature?

(I'm presently running the 2.0 alpha, in which we can turn off archive scanning, but I can't check if that was the case with 1.75)


If the posters are in fact referring to 2.0, please disregard my reply and please follow @shadowwar's expert advice.


Sorry for any confusion and misunderstanding & thank you for pointing that out. :(





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My version of MWB is


I decided to shut down SuperAntiSpyware Pro for the duration of the MWB scan, and that seemed to speed it up. I am assuming that MWB was likely scanning inside archives, and I've got a bunch of them, as I regularly back up a WordPress site that I administer, and the archives are TAR balls on my hard drive.


Thanks to all the forum participants who offered ideas, and a happy new year to you all.




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