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I have these radio advertisments coming thru my speakers on the pc.  There can be nothing open at all and it will just start playing advertisments.  I work from home and speak to people thru a headset all day.  And the sound comes thru the headset.  I am at my wits end with this thing.  I googled the problem and saw that Im not the only one. So I have ran Malwarebytes on my pc, as well as cccleaner and norton.  But nothing seems to work.  Still to this min there is a advertisment in spanish playing thru my speakers and then a Tablet advertisment.

I thought after running Malwarebytes that it would have fixed the problem.  The Full scan did pick up 3 things. I saved the log and removed the what the scan found. Restarted the pc.  and here we are....

Can you please help me

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