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  • Root Admin

The issue is that Mozilla just seems to do too many eye candy or other changes to keep up with the "in crowd" or something.  It often breaks plugins or drastically changes how some general features work.  I'm sure some like that but for me if they just stayed with fixing real "bugs" and left the interface and how it works alone I'd be a happier camper.  It's a Web browser - I don't need it to be a Jack of All Trades and do everything under the Sun.  Almost like they need two Projects.  1 for those that want the latest greatest eye candy features and 1 for those that want rock solid performance at the cost of not having the new eye candy of the day.

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hmmm ...

i was under the impression that the beta versions of FF were for testing the implementation of new bells-n-whistles as well as bone fide performance features/upgrades .

i suppose that when turning loose a new full version it opens a can of worms as then it is being used on/by "general populous" machines .


i'll say this much for FF ... at least one does not have to wait for hell to freeze over before *something* is fixed ...

kind of like old man ford holding out on doing away with his directly actuated mechanical brakes .


that said , i can hardly wait for FF27b .


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  • Root Admin

I assume it does go through those beta stages - I'm just speaking for myself that I don't want or need GUI or preference changes that they keep throwing in there. 


Example at least a couple users had FF crash on them when loading up all the images I recently posted.  Fix that kind of stuff that really affects the browser operation.  Moving icon x to position y or menu item x to position y those are lame updates (IMHO).

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You guys (and gal).. You're too literal. FF26 was released 12 hours earlier than scheduled and had gone through many, MANY betas (which I don't post..) which is why I said it was released early - it wasn't supposed to be released until the 10th but with all the M$ updates coming I guess they decided to give everyone a chance to get FF26 installed and working before having to deal with the M$ 2nd Tuesday Update cycle.


Now; the real mystery is why the AEON theme author NEVER releases a compatible theme with the newest FF until a day or two afterwards.?



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i'll say this much for FF ... at least one does not have to wait for hell to freeze over before *something* is fixed ...

kind of like old man ford holding out on doing away with his directly actuated mechanical brakes .



I don't care how many problems a product has as long as they are being fixed almost instantly. ;)



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The issue is that Mozilla just seems to do too many eye candy or other changes to keep up with the "in crowd" or something.  It often breaks plugins or drastically changes how some general features work.  I'm sure some like that but for me if they just stayed with fixing real "bugs" and left the interface and how it works alone I'd be a happier camper.  It's a Web browser - I don't need it to be a Jack of All Trades and do everything under the Sun.  Almost like they need two Projects.  1 for those that want the latest greatest eye candy features and 1 for those that want rock solid performance at the cost of not having the new eye candy of the day.

Agreed!  I love Firefox, but adding a ton of bells and whistles in my opinion is unnecessary!

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yeppers ... i tried sea monkey ... once ... and then uninstalled it within a week .


if they wanted to make a decent change in FF (in my opinion anyway) ...

how about moving/being able to move the menu bar right up to the top and get rid of the page title blurb (of course keeping the three extreme right icons) ?


and speaking of the latest and greatest ...

to the best of my knowledge , there is no "27beta" available and cooking on the back burner ... at least that is *normally* available .

i don't believe this has happened for a very long time .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, if you're not a fan of the Early Release Program (which I think is being replaced by a more sensible approach), there's always ESR.


Although originally conceived for Enterprise, anyone can use the ESR version.


<just a thought>


 to me , all these years ESR has meant "equivalent series resistance" (aka : "power factor" if yer older than 40) in relation to capacitors .

(it makes me do a second take every time i see it "out of context" (this is not an electronics/engineering forum)


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