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Gun Control


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  • Root Admin

Well since this has nothing to do with Niagara Falls I've split the topic. Though as you're aware let's not get too deep into the politics of Gun Control - hundreds of sites dedicated to that if you do want to discuss it.

There are only a few Countries with limited gun control so it would appear that for the most part most of the World has strong gun controls with only a few with loose or moderate control.

Gun Politics

Gun politics in the Czech Republic

From Brazil to Japan: gun laws around the world

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Actually, I am fairly happy where I am. The only things outlawed here are "machine guns" (which is not clearly defined), certain types of knives (switchblades, Chinese throwing stars, etc), and anything that is regulated on the Federal level. I do have to have a permit to carry a handgun outside of private property, but the permit is not required to buy or own a handgun, and is no longer required to carry a handgun in the car. Since I have the permit, I open carry everywhere I go, and I just don't go to those few places where it is illegal to carry a firearm.

Anyway, feel free to close this topic if you want to. ;)

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