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I have the following image stuck on my desktop and cannot remove it, tried rebooting, ctrl-alt-delete to find and force close (no luck), none of the links on the picture work (i.e. Hide this message or the red cross).  The subscribe now button takes you to the following page




Any ideas on getting rid of this?


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Hello and :welcome: , JerichoForce:
If that's a pop-up from a legitimate application, such as the real PCTools, you might try their product support pages:
Have you tried to uninstall the program from the Windows control panel?
If you're still having issues and/or this is NOT a legit program (but rather, some sort of rogue), then the best bet would probably be to head over to the malware removal section.
One of the malware experts will assist you with uninstalling the application and with checking for/cleaning up any other malware.
To do so, I would suggest that you please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.



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