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Even though our policy is set to have machines download from the internet, as soon as the MEE Server goes offline, the clients do not update signatures from the internet.  While I understand they cannot get policy because the server is down, they should at least be able to continue to get database updates to remain current until the server goes back online.  If this is by design, please fix in later update.

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Hi ajrechk.


What version of MEE are you running?  I would like to know so I can verify that the options in the policy have been set correctly.


Basically, in, the only option is to set to download from the internet if the console is unavailable.


In you can set it to primarily download from the internet.  


These settings are found on the Updater settings of the edit policy window.

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We are running


We have it set to primarily download from the internet.  When the MEE Service is running on the server, everything works as planned and the clients will go out to the internet to download their database updates.  As soon as the MEE Service on the server is stopped, the clients will no longer go out to the internet to download updates.  If you try to manually download updates from the internet it will say the it succeeded and the client is up to date, however, it will not pull the current version.


Its almost like the client has to check in with the server before it will go out on net and download updates.  This also means that clients that take their computer home will not be able to get updates unless they connect to VPN, which some do not do every day.

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