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Differing results

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Not sure if this is the right place for the topic, but here goes.

During software installation windows defender warned me about SoftwareBundler:Win32/Lolliport (seems to be this one: http://home.mcafee.com/virusinfo/virusprofile.aspx?key=4855620#none) but I also have f-secure and mbam pro running of neither responded. Is this something I should worry about or just scan my comp and make sure there is no "unwanted propgrams."

Usually if I have even little suspicions about a file I scan it before touching it as I did this time, but it was only during scanning that defender responded and I deleted it. Hopefully there is no traces of it on my comp.


Some say its some "toolbar" kind of thingy. I know those.. I've deleted few after dancing with such for awhile on friends etc. computers, but Im not sure because I cant find any conclusive info on this.


Any info is welcome, thank you.

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Hi kryzekt,


First of all: I'm no malware expert.


A little research on the internet indicates that it's a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program).

As to why MBAM pro did not respond. MBAM is set by default to not automatically remove PUP's. You can turn this on via 'settings'->'scanner setttings' and than change what's behind 'action for potentially unwanted programs' to 'show in results list and check for removal'. This will cause MBAM pro detect and delete PUP's in realtime. (Assuming the 'file system protection' is on and is allowed to automaticly quarantine threats.

This can be a bit obtrusive as a lot of installers "offer" to install PUP's as well as the program you actually want to install. You could run a quick scan after each installation and check the pup's for removal if detected as an alternative to changing this setting.


An other possibility is that windows defender got the pup's before f-secure and MBAM pro got a chance to react.


F-secure calls pup's 'greyware', I could not find what f-secures settings or policies are about this.


It is generally advised not to have two anti-virus programs (f-secure and windows defender in this case) active at the same time. This can cause the two AV-programs to hinder each other. I'd advise you turn off windows defender.


If you are worried your computer might be infected, take a look at the Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers .


I hope this helped you out.



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Until Durew returns...


As he suggested, running 2 active anti-virus applications at the same time does NOT increase security -- instead, it can lead to clashes, conflicts, slowdowns, crashes and INCREASED vulnerability. ;)


As Durew also suggested, if you aren't sure what's going on, and would like a second pair of expert eyes, feel free to follow his advice to head over to the malware removal section.






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Hi Kryzekt,

Good to hear/read that you disabled Windows Defender and that F-secure is now in control. (MBAM PRO will be there assist of course.)

Just for good measure you could manually run a quick scan with MBAM and it's equivalent scan-type with f-secure. If it comes out clean (or just tracking cookies) there should be no reason to worry.

As the scan of MBAM is done manually any detected PUP's (or leftovers) will show up in the results, where you can select them for removal.

Do you have any questions left or has this resolved your problem/question?

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