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We're in the process of configuiring MEE to be rollout out to our organization and we've run into some unusual client behaviour.


One of our test users initiated a full scan from his account on his station, one of the locations that were scanned on his station was.




We use a redirected desktop folder as part of our user management strategy. Instead of storing the desktop folder in C:\users\TestUser\Desktop, we've redirected it to \\fileserver\Homedrive\TestUser\Desktop.


We're hoping to prevent MBAM from scanning the network in any way. We've attempted to add \\fileserver\* as an exclusion, but the file doesn't appear to accept UNC pathnames.


Now, the part that makes the LEAST amount of sense....is that the path above that was scanned isn't even related to "TestUser" account.


"InstallationServiceAccount" is a daily password change account with no profile that we use for quick software installations.




TL;DNR : How do we exclude UNC paths from being scanned during Quick/Full scans.

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These folders are likely being scanned because of how your Windows Environment Variables are configured, but to really be sure we would need to test this further using a Virtual Machine. Unfortunately at this time, we are currently operating a skeleton crew remotely, and do not have access to this. I will be happy to follow up with you on Monday when we have access to our test machines, and see if we can help identify and solve the issue. If you need anything else, please feel free to let me know and I'll do what I can for now.


David Pier
Corporate Support




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I've conferred with some colleagues and there are a few things we're curious about.


1. What operating systems are the clients that are having this issue running?

2. Can you try to add C:\Users\TestUser\Desktop to the ignore list to see if this will also ignore the UNC path?


If you could please let me know these things, it would be very helpful.


David Pier
Corporate Support




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