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Rundll32.exe taking up crazy amounts of ram

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So i'm 14, sure i have alot of crap on my computer, but i use my 2008 HP Elitebook 6930p to game, and normally dont have a problem! But whenever I open a game (Counter-Strike, CoD4, Path of Exile, Ect) A process named rundll32.exe (Located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64) Opens.
I have patched my computer so therefor i have more "access" to it, therefor i can even change my theme to a custom theme, but i never had this problem.
I also installed COMODO and Deleted Mcafee, thats when this problem started.

Before all of this, i had a problem that would open PING.EXE and start causing ping issues, especially in games.
after doing a rootkit scan and ect with no problems returned, the process just was gone like a snap of the finger!

Now i have this problem, I use Windows 7, And things i always have open are:
*Windows Media Player
*A video game
*TeamSpeak or Skype(NEVER Both)
*and sometimes Chrome or Waterfox

Ofcourse i may know decent about computers (Father is an IBM Architect, And has taught me many, aswell as let me learn Perl and Java, which i plan to use when me and my friend begin coding our 8-bit rpg :D )
But this hurts my head! I was thinking about uninstalling COMODO but i dont have any other anti-virus and my dad says i should use Mcafee (Which i know is a not-so-good anti-virus, because it didn't catch on what even i could notice >.< )

So if i could have some help (I dont really like it when an expert takes over my computer, i just feel unsafe about it, so i mean it can happen but other wise you can tell me what to do, I may know what to do if you can help :D )
That would be awesome!
Thank you!

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