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I typed an error when I first filled out the registration form. I used the back button, and the form correctly kept my previously-filled fields except for the password, of course. (It also did not keep my time-zone info, but I think maybe HTTP state has a problem with drop-down list state, anyway.)

However, I could not register because when I went back the form did not display the captcha image/text box/etc. The entire area "fieldset" of informatin related to proving you are a human was just blank. I had to go back to the home page, manually enter the form again, and start over.

It obviously didn't prevent *me* from registering (here I am!), but I am always aware that those *not* knowledgeable of HTML, JavaScript, or just general approches to handling website problems from the user perspective, would not be able to figure this out -- they would just give up! Problems creating an account and logging in are the worst kind of usability issue, because most people would just give up and leave.

(P.S. I notice you have a happy face, mad face, scared face, etc -- but no sad face.)

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