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There has been some discussion lately about the Protection Module not working. Mine (v1.35 and XP Home SP3) works fine now that I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program. But my question would be, is there a switch somewhere where the Protection Module could be turned on and off at will, just in case one wanted to? If there is could you please point me to the right direction?

Thanks for helping.

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With malwarebytes open just click on the protection tab

All the settings are in there

You can also rightclick on the icon next to the clock when it's running(protection module)

I followed your instructions, but they turned out to be only partially right. With Malwarebytes open, I clicked on the protection tab, but I found no setting for enabling or disabling the protection module. Nor did clicking on the protection module button itself have any effect.

Your other suggestion did prove helpful. I was able to uncheck "Enable protection" by right-clicking on the icon in the system tray, but it only took effect after I closed down Malwarebytes and restarted it.

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