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Hi, I recently installed a second OS (XP) on my PC. Am I allowed to install MBam Pro on that as well? I know that a separate licence is required if it is to be installed on another PC (I actually have 2 PCs and 2 licenses). But am I allowed to use a single MBam Pro licence on 2 separate installs of my OS, on the same computer?



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Hi, Liquid:


We'll need to wait for one of the staff to confirm this, but -- based on this post from ~1 year ago -- it looks as if you don't need a second license:




(Of course, this only applies to personal home computers, not anything used for work/business/educational/retail/entreprise. Those systems need business licensing and the terms are different.)





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Hi, Liquid:


We'll need to wait for one of the staff to confirm this, but -- based on this post from ~1 year ago -- it looks as if you don't need a second license:




(Of course, this only applies to personal home computers, not anything used for work/business/educational/retail/entreprise. Those systems need business licensing and the terms are different.)






Thanks very much, daledoc1. I am not in a hurry, so I will wait for a staff confirmation, but it looks  like it should be ok (and yes, this is just for a personal home computer).


Cheers ;)



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