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Add to ignore list feature

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This is just a clarifying question.


In client view I can select a computer then click 'security logs' in the bottom of the pane. I can then pick the infected file, right click and choose 'add to ignore list'.


I assume this feature will add the file path the 'ignore list' in the policy that is in effect on the computer and not ignore the computer from future scans?


Assuming it adds the file path to the policy ignore list will I then need to add the file path to each policy or will it add to the ignore list of all policies?


Thanks in advance,

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Hello James!


You are correct.  When adding a threat to the ignore list, it adds it to that computers' policys' ignore list.  This item will now be ignored in future scans.


 In version 1.3 of MEE, there is an option to also add it to ALL ignore lists as well in the same right-click menu, if you desire.


I hope that helps.

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Hi James,


I just wanted to try and help clarify here.  When you add an item to the ignore list from the client pane. It will add that item to the ignore list on the policy, hence adding it to all systems related to that policy.

After selecting an item from the client pane to the ignore list, you can verify that it has been added by selecting the clients policy, editing it, and checking the ignore list.  This will ignore on all systems that have this policy.


I hope this helps clarify the feature a bit.  Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Thank you. 

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