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imgburn installer labeled as pup - opencandy?


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I have been using imgburn for a while and have never seen any malicious activity from it. Someone pointed out that your program detects the installer for it as a pup. I thought maybe his installer was infected from something else, so I downloaded it from majorgeeks (should be able to trust that download), and it came up as pup - opencandy for me also. Just wondering if that is a false positive or if there is a reason for it to be classified as a pup? If so, why?

Thanks for your info, and thanks for having such a great product. I have relied on it for years and is the best malware scanner out there. Keep up the good work!!


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Thanks for your info. As an advanced user, I know to do a custom install and uncheck all the other crap that I don't want. lol

I actually did not install it recently until I read your reply. It now installs mcafee site advisor and sendori if you don't tell it not to.

But I'm glad to know it doesn't have anything in the img burn program itself. Thanks a lot for your info and your fast response.


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