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Using MBAM Pro with anti-virus vendors who won't play nice

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I am a fan of MBAM because of the way it finds malware that regular anti-virus products miss.  I earn part of my living by removing viruses on peoples' PCs.  I just cleaned a W-7 PC which was "protected" by Vipre and MBAM found 118 pieces of malware: wajam, iminent, and other critters.

But a few anti-virus vendors specifically state that MBAM Pro should not be used with their product because it will interfere with real-time protection.  Vipre and F-Secure state that MBAM should only be used in free mode.  I seem to remember that Kaspersky and Bitdefender also recommend against using MBAM in Pro mode.

I have a few specific questions for MBAM employees.

When vendors declare that MBAM Pro is incompatible, are they only referring to their internet security product or are they also referring to their anti-virus product?

If I have MBAM Pro and disable real-time protection (go to Protection tab and uncheck everything), does MBAM still update itself automatically?

I would like to have a list of vendors which are known to play nice with MBAM Pro when using their anti-virus product (NOT their internet security product).  I'll start: MSE, Norton, ESET, ...

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  • Root Admin

Basically it's mainly marketing.  They don't want to worry about any support issues or you claiming their product did not find or remove something and then find that it was caused by some other security application.  If you look at the fine print for almost every single antivirus on the market they have a long laundry list of dozens and dozens of programs that they're product is not compatible with (all of them are competing security applications) .  


Basically in all cases that I'm aware of you need to install their product and update it and make sure it's working correctly.  Then install MBAM and setup any exclusions if needed inside the antivirus program and it will work just fine.  In fact Kaspersky used to list our product but no longer lists our product as incompatible with theirs.  If your chosen antivirus does not support or does not honor exclusions then I'd highly recommend using another antivirus product that does allow the user to control the product.

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