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Hi everyone,


So last night I put my computer to sleep and when I woke it up I found that my cursor was stuck in the loading animation. I pin pointed the problem to a process that has never appeared until now; ndar32.exe. So, I ended the process tree and that solved the cursor problem. However, today, when I started up my pc ndar32.exe popped back up. I googled it, and the only helpful information I could find was a post on avast!'s website that was 2 days old. They didn't say how to remove it, they just said to upload it to metascan. So I uploaded it to virustotal, metascan and jotti and only around 6 to 8 of the total anti-virus actually detected it as a threat. Here are the logs if you guys want to look at them.





Anyway, I'm not sure what to do it keeps popping back up. I also scanned it with Malwarebytes and it returned nothing.

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