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How Do I Max Out The Ability Of A Scan

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I am currently using Malwarebytes Pro. I use Windows 7 & with Firefox if that helps. I'm just wondering if someone can tell me how to configure

it to get the most out of every scan whether it's Flash scan Quick, or Full? I want' to get the most out of every scan.





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Hello and :welcome: , Montauk: :)
I'm not sure what you mean by "max out the ability of a scan"? :(
If you are referring to configuring the MBAM scanner settings to detect, report, and check for removal the greatest number of possible infections/file types/system modifications, the default settings should be fine.
However, you might want to tweak a couple of the default scanner settings to look like this:

BTW, routine Full scans are neither necessary nor recommended; and they will cause excessive wear and tear on your HDD.  Quick scans should be sufficient for most purposes.  Flash scans after database updates are available, but they are not strictly necessary, given the more important role of the MBAM PRO real-time protection.

Hope this helps,


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Its really totally up to you how often you do scans....

I have mine doing updates every hour, and a quick scan daily. I have not done a full scan in years. This seems to work best for me. That being said, if you like you can do a full scan once a month and you should be fine, so long as you do quick scans daily.

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