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Hi, this is a bit of annoyance to me, but maybe I've overlooked something. Malware bytes offers real-time malicious website protection, with ability to display a pop-up when a site is blocked, as well as add the blocked IP to ignore list by right clicking the icon. 


The problem is that if I don't have notification pop-up enabled for when a site is blocked, it is distracting and annoying, I have no option to add the blocked IP to the ignore list, the option is greyed out. Why's that, or did I miss something? You should be able to add IP to ignore regardless of whether you have notification enabled or not. 

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Hello Araklaj and Welcome to Malwarebytes,


Please have a Read    


 How do I add a file, program or folder to Ignore List?


Why does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware block Skype?

Why does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware block BitTorrent or other Peer to Peer Clients?

As they state:



If the notifications are too frequent and you wish to disable them while still allowing Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to continue protecting your PC by blocking the malicious websites, then you may do the following:


  1. Open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and access the Protection tab
  2. Uncheck the box next to Show tooltip balloon when malicious website is blocked.
  3. Click the Exit button




I believe that Malwarebytes themselves are the only one's that can control what IP's are blocked/unblocked and for good reason.

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Hi Wide Glide,


I think you missed the point of my topic. It is not how to disable the notification popups or why malwarebytes blocks the sites, as your links suggest. My point is that when I disable the notification I can no longer add the blocked IPs to the ignore list.

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I believe you can still add the ip's even when the notifications are turned off. The thing is that if you have the notifications turned off, you have no way of knowing you have encountered a block, so you have no idea there is the option to add the blocked site.

Best thing to do is investigate why you get too many notifications and rectify that and leave the notifications enabled.

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I believe you can still add the ip's even when the notifications are turned off. The thing is that if you have the notifications turned off, you have no way of knowing you have encountered a block, so you have no idea there is the option to add the blocked site.

Best thing to do is investigate why you get too many notifications and rectify that and leave the notifications enabled.


That's the problem, I don't seems to be able to add IPs without notification enabled. On Chrome, it is easy to make an educated guess when a site is being blocked by malwarebytes, you get a "Unable to access network" message. I've never seen that message in any other case.


I have just tried again, I have a site that Malwarebytes blocks. With notifications disabled: option "Add to ignore list" is grayed out.  With notifications enabled, the IP shows up in the ignore list as soon as notification pops up. As you can imagine, it is a bit frustrating having to have the notification enabled just to have access to IP ignore list option. 

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  • Root Admin

Well again as requested.  If you're getting a lot of them you really should seek assistance in checking your computer.  It is not normal to get blocks all the time especially if you're adding to ignore.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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