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Hello I ran a scan on 4/3/09 called a-square. It found two trogan downloader files involving more than 59 processes. I chose to remove them but then my pc suddenly shutdown and rebooted. I then tried to quarentine these files but again my pc shutdown, and rebooted, but this time it took 18 hours to load or boot to my desk top. Now when I click on anything I will need to wait a minumun of 1 hour for any responce from the pc.

Can someone please rescue me from this bad dream????????????

My computer is using windows xp pro with sp3 and all the updates. Please help this old man. Thank you Larry

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Forget this post I'm go to bring it into the shop, I might have to weight forever for a responce here. Later folks
On most forums people have to wait for minimum a week.

I think that you didn't receive a reply here yet since we don't know much about a-squared. This is the malwarebytes support forum here. For a-squared, it's here: http://forum.emsisoft.com/

Anyway, since this post is already 3 days later, I assume that your PC is already in the shop, so this thread is closed.

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